About Me
Julia Ebert, apprentice robot herder, PhD
I am a roboticist and software engineer with a particular interest in autonomy for collective robotics. I am currently Autonomy Lead at Fleet Robotics, where I’m leading the development of autonomy software for robots that clean ship hulls. Previously, I developed multi-robot planning algorithms for autonomous trucks at Outrider.
I completed my PhD in computer science at Harvard University, where I developed algorithms for a variety of multi-agent systems, from robots to satellite constellations. I aim to take an interdisciplinary approach to collective robotics, integrating bio-inspiration and mathematical modeling to develop algorithms that can be applied beyond the lab.
I am interested in bio-inspired robotics, autonomous vehicles, and multi-agent systems. I also consider myself a full-stack roboticist, working on both software (algorithms and control) and hardware (mechanical and electronic design). This lets me consider mechanical and algorithmic co-design in developing robust robot collectives.
In my free time, I'm into curling, baking awesome cinnamon rolls, and making fun things.
Recent News
November 2023: I’m starting as Autonomy Lead at Fleet Robotics. Let’s clean some ships!
June 2022: I was part of two papers that were accepted to IROS 2022: “A Hybrid PSO Algorithm for Multi-robot Target Search and Decision Awareness” and “Impressionist Algorithms for Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems: Flocking as a Case Study”.
June 2022: I started a new position at Outrider, where I will develop mission planning algorithms and software for autonomous trucks.
April 2022: I successfully defended my PhD! It’s titled “Distributed Decision-making Algorithms for Inspection by Autonomous Robot Collectives.”
January 2022: We have a new paper out: “A Swarm Robotic Approach to Inspection of 2.5D Surfaces in Orbit.” You can read it here.